Tuesday, October 18, 2016

Clean Water and Safe Drinking Water Act

The “Clean Water Act” legislation passed in 1970s by US Congress was a great mile stone in the field of water pollution throughout the country. I was very impressed after looking at the objectives under CWA. It focuses on restoring the chemical, physical and biological integrity of nation’s water sources by exercising on both point and non-point water pollution sources. The Clean Water Act abandoned the approach lead by state and other local governments which were preliminarily responsible for ensuring water quality. 

It introduced new technique of dealing with water pollution by setting water quality criteria, water quality standard and policy implementation for all the states.

After twenty-five years, the Act continues to provide a clear path for clean water and a solid foundation for an effective national water program.  Today, two-thirds of our waters are safe for swimming and recreational activities, the loss of wetlands is only 70,000-90,000 acres, the amount of soil loss to agricultural runoff has been cut by a billion tons annually and modern wastewater treatment facilities serve 173 million people.

Again it encourages and ensures healthy tap water consumption all over the nation.

1 comment:

  1. I felt the same sense of satisfaction over the fact that the Clean Water Act is in place and that we have confidence in that 2/3 pass standards. My only concern is that 1/3 still doesn't pass the standards. Sometimes this is like seeing the glass "half empty" instead of looking at the strides, but clean water is a right for everyone and I worry about that 1/3 who aren't getting it.
